Height:> six feet, zero inches Weight: 220 lbs Hair color: Brown Eye Color: Hazel Skin color: White Vehicles of Choice: Something that moves Weapon of Choice: Modified Bryar Pistol; stormtrooper rifel Imperial Database: file wh0kn0w5 Name: Three of 4 Scandoc transmission code: ([email protected]) Positions: Corporate Division: LS Krytos, FM of Diamond Squadron Emperor's Hammer: GN Three of 4, FM of MEM Squadron Dark Brotherhood: GRD Threeof 4, House of Ar'Kell Hammer's Fist: Col Three of 4, Battalion 1 Commander Current Localities: LCF Excelsior SSSD Soverign Sex: Male Race: Human (Corellian) Homeworld: Correllia Marital Status: SINGLE Family: Disowned by father, may have a step father in the HF not known. Social Status: Surviable Events of Childhood/Adolescence: Was disowned by his family when he was accused of stealing money from the bar. When he ran away, his shuttle was captured by the Hammer's Fist. He was taken to the planet of Cardia where he was cared for by some of the troopers. Rumor has it that he was adopted by one of the there. When he became old enough, he join the Hammer's Fist and was trained at Cardia. Events of Adulthood: Named Commander of the First Battallion. Was also on the front lines in the battle against the New Republic, and helps to keep their ground forces from attacking the teritory owned by the Emperor's Hammer. Alignment and attitudes: Three of 4 believes that the only true way to win a war is to have a strong army. He believes that the HF is that and is working to increase it's power and activity. Former Occupations: Bar Tender Hobbies: reading, talking, having fun. Tragedies: Being disowned by his family. Phobias: Information not avaiable Personal view of the Empire: Three of 4 recognizes the power of the Empire. Merit Medals Earned: NONE. Battle Medals Earned: {TIE} Medal of Redemption, Unity, Technology, Order, Loyalty, Destiny, Emperor's Will COL Three of 4 |